Stunning, trackable property reports

The most powerful property reports available for UK estate and letting agents, completely customisable and complete with over 150+ data points on 32 million addresses.

Street Insights

Unrivalled data on 32 million UK properties

Lease information

Quickly identify if a property is registered as leasehold or freehold - as well as other key details including lease length and the remaining term.

Local property prices

Access average property prices and value change over both a 12-month timeframe and since the last purchase, all clearly broken down by property type.

Instant estimated valuation

Without even seeing a property, agents can get an accurate estimated valuation on any UK address to present on a market appraisal or to spark conversations.

And 150+ more data points

Comparable properties, recent sales, local schools and transport, EPC information, title plan, broadband speeds… our reports are jam-packed with facts.

Street Insights

Individually tracked reports

Generate a fully branded property report in seconds, add your recipients, send the unique link, and start tracking whether a report has been viewed and by whom. You can even enable email notification for first-time opens.

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Street Insights

All fully white-labelled

The last thing your agency wants is for our branding to get in the way. That’s why Street Insights offers fully white-labelled reports that are customisable with your logo and colours. Pro account holders can even host URLs on their own subdomain.

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Street Insights

Powerful lead capture reports

Don’t let interested applicants slip through the net. Select the ‘lead capture’ report type and automatically obtain a person’s details before they view your report - enabling your team to conduct follow-ups and maximise the chance of making a sale.

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Boost your property reports. Start using Insights today.

The most powerful property reports available for UK estate and letting agents, completely customisable and complete with over 150+ data points on 32 million addresses.

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